A statement to public opinion on behalf of the Martyrs’ Families Council in Afrin and Al-Shahba cantons.

Delivering a statement to public opinion on behalf of the Martyrs’ Families Council in Afrin and Shahba canton In order to target the Turkish state in the Autonomous Administration areas. On 12-24-2023 In the Kurdish language by comrade “Degla Mamo” and in Arabic by comrade “Muhammad Wulu” The text of the statement stated the following: A statement to world public opinion. In the name of the Martyrs’ Families Council in Afrin - Al-Shahba cantons.. The Turkish state's aggression against the Autonomous Administration areas in northern and eastern Syria continues. The same goal and objectives, which are represented in the form of genocide practiced by Turkey against our people everywhere, especially after the Autonomous Administration announced its project for a new social contract to resolve the ongoing conflicts in Syria. The Turkish state and its agents are working to attack the infrastructure to thwart this democratic project and its overwhelming desire to destabilize the region in general, especially in conjunction with regional and international developments. Finally, it received severe blows from the "Guerrilla" forces in the mountains of Kurdistan. The Turkish state began to suffer from madness and a kind of political rifts on the internal and external levels. This aggression in both the countryside of Derik and Manbij and our other regions are nothing but acts that stem from its hidden hatred and express the low level. Turkey practices against us, which contradicts all efforts to achieve stability and adjust the compass towards combating global terrorism. Turkey is also involved today at the same level in creating strife and acts of sabotage to create a type of conflict and sectarian and sectarian disputes for hidden purposes aimed at striking our peoples’ project of dignified living together. At this time, when we extend our sincere condolences to the families of the martyrs and wish recovery to the wounded as a result of the Turkish targeting, we affirm our rejection. We fully condemn the continuation of these crimes amid international silence and the forces guaranteeing the ceasefire, and we hold these parties responsible for the continuation of these Turkish attacks, which increase day after day with the continued silence. Therefore, we appeal to democratic public opinion to intervene to stop this fascist aggression. We also rely on the awareness of our people to ward off sedition projects that some parties want to develop in our regions. We affirm that we strongly condemn all these brutal acts on our regions. Death to the enemies of humanity. Mercy for the martyrs, healing for the wounded. Long live the brotherhood of peoples.



