The people of Al-Shaddadi city offer their condolences to the family of the martyr Hamza Al-Saqr.

Dozens of the people of Al-Shaddadi district offered their condolences to the families of the martyr, “Hamza Muhammad Al-Saqr,” nom de guerre, “Dalkesh Adnan,” from the Guerrilla forces, who was martyred while performing his military duty in the Zab region. Dozens of residents of the city of Al-Shaddadi went to the martyr’s condolence tent that was set up in front of the family home of the martyr Hamzah in the city of Al-Shaddadi, to offer their condolences to the families of the martyrs. As they arrived, the mourners raised pictures of the martyr and flags of the Martyrs' Families Council and chanted slogans that glorified the martyrs and saluted the Guerrilla resistance. After the arrival of the mourners, everyone stood for a minute of silence in honor of the souls of the martyrs, after which the administration of the Council of Martyrs’ Families in North and East Syria, “Ayat Al-Ibrahim,” delivered a speech, Her speech stated: “The martyr Hamza, who went on his own initiative in the ranks of the Guerrilla and continued to struggle under the thought and philosophy of leader Abdullah Ocalan and the approach of the martyrs. The day of his martyrdom also coincided with the anniversary of July 19, the anniversary of resistance and struggle, and he ignited the uprisings again and renewed the promise and covenant to the martyrs who preceded him.” In the same context, a speech was delivered on behalf of the Martyrs’ Families Council in the city of Al-Shaddadi, delivered by the administrator, “Odeh Al-Hussein,” in which it was said: “It is with great pride that we stand today to offer our condolences to the family of the martyr Hamza from the Guerrilla Popular Defense Forces, who achieved the pride of martyrdom with all valor.” A speech was delivered on behalf of the Democratic Union Party in the city of Al-Shaddadi, delivered by the administrator, Fadel Al-Ahmad. It stated: “We bow our heads and feet in reverence and respect for the souls of our righteous martyrs. Today, we are in the tent and have come to offer our condolences to the family of the martyr Hamzah, who rose to the ranks of glory. We also say to the family of the martyr, you have all our appreciation and respect.” The condolence ceremony ended with the reading of the martyrdom document and its delivery to the martyr’s family, amid chants glorifying the martyrdom and the martyrs.



