Statement in the name of the council of families of martyrs in Afrin and Al-Shahba counties

It is with great sadness that we received the news of the martyrdom of comrade Sayyid Afran. At the beginning, we extend our condolences to the families of our companion, the martyr journalist, revolutionary writer, and seeker of truth, Sayyed Ifran, who was martyred as a result of a heart disease, and we describe him as a revolutionary martyr in the memory of the free media and in the memory of the Kurdistan nation because he sacrificed his soul for the sake of the greatest humanitarian cause for more than thirty-three years. We also extend our condolences to the leader of our nation, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, to his fellow revolutionaries, and to all of our great patriotic people. We address this message to them: We, as followers of the revolutionary warriors who struggled and fought with their spirit and with their free pen for the sake of freedom, we pledge to you to strengthen this revolutionary struggle until it leads to freedom and we say, I wish time would return one day, and the meeting would last forever, but no matter how many years pass, death will remain the groan, and memories will remain. A dictionary that echoes the touches of farewell and separation. Farewell and death for a just cause is eternal survival, no matter how much your sun disappears from our sky, O revolutionary. The entire universe has become a complete darkness upon us, and the entire universe has become without any colors or features. We no longer see except the image of your tender, full face. By giving, we no longer remember except the image of your face and the looks in your eyes when you say goodbye. After the disease became severe, he rebelled for a liberated Kurdistan. If you cannot see a free Kurdistan. Certainly, our people will see it as liberating. She left the world and won the hearts of millions of Kurds from east to west and from north to south. You left this world, and your image and words remain immortal in the conscience and conscience of every Kurdish rebel for freedom. You left this world and entered history. You have fulfilled your duty to your people and to all humanity. May your soul rest in peace, martyr, revolutionary for a great cause Glory and eternity to your pure soul, O martyr, Sayyed Ifrane, and to the souls of all the martyred revolutionaries for the sake of freedom. 9/26/2023



