The Council of Martyrs' Families in Qamishlo mourn the body of the martyr "Ramziya Al-Tugh" to the shrine of the martyr "Dalil Sarukhan"

Today, at 10 in the morning, the people of the city of Qamishlo mourn with solemn ceremonies the body of the martyr “Ramziya Al-Tugh” She martyred as a result of a car explosion on October 22, in the shrine of the martyr “Dalil Sarukhan” in the city of Qamishlo. A speech was delivered on behalf of the Martyrs’ Families Council in Qamishlo, “Shamsi Khan Kallo,” the administration of the Martyrs’ Families Council, spoke about the sacrifice of the martyrs and emphasized that this month is the month of sacrifice and the movement of free women like the martyr “Biritan,” which this month was known as the month of sacrifices of the martyr Beritan and her companions, and about the sacrifices project. Free women in general, Also, the speech of the official spokeswoman for the PYD Democratic Union, “Sama Bakdash,” spoke in which she emphasized the sacrifice for the sake of the Kurds and Kurdistan, and the continuation of sacrifices by free women, such as Comrade Ramzia, who followed her comrades Beritan, Zilan, Arin, and other companions . After that, comrade Shirin spoke to the youth of the Martyrs’ Families Council, and she also read the letter from the family of the martyr “Ramzia”, it was written: We, as the family of the martyr Ramzia, send you peace from the heart for your sacrifices, and we congratulate her martyrdom on all free Kurds, on the leader Abdullah Ocalan, and on all the families of the martyrs and the martyr Ramzia, despite She was a mother of two children, she decided to go to Rojava and participate in it's revolution The ceremonies ended with the reading of the martyr’s document, and then her coffin was carried on the shoulders, with ululations, chants, and signs of victory. Martyrs do not die, but are alive in our hearts.



